Genome Engineering and Synthetic Biology (3rd edition) Community, EventsSC EUSynBioS3 December 2017Comment
Introducing DOULIX: A Bio-Engineering Platform from Explora Biotech Interview, CommunitySC EUSynBioS9 October 2017 Comment
10,000 Genes for the Synthetic Biology Community: Twist Bioscience Partners with the BioBricks Foundation Interview, CommunitySC EUSynBioS21 September 2017Comment
Geoengineering and synthetic biology Policy, OpinionDevang Mehta15 August 2017geoengineering, release, debate, de-extinctionComment
iGEM 2017 UCL: Light Induced Technologies (LIT) iGEM, CommunitySC EUSynBioS18 July 2017iGEM, iGEM 2017, synthetic biology, biopolymers, UCLComment
YEBN'S 2nd Round Table Community, Events, UpdateSC EUSynBioS17 July 2017YEBN, biotechnology, network, ECRComment
iGEM 2017 INSA-UPS Toulouse: Detecting and killing V. cholerae in contaminated water iGEM, CommunitySC EUSynBioS11 July 2017iGEM, iGEM 2017, competition, synthetic biology, cholera, treatment, societal impactComment
Introducing Synthetic Biology: A New Journal for the SynBio Community Interview, CommunitySC EUSynBioS8 July 2017synthetic biology, synbio, academic poublishingComment
iGEM 2017 Manchester: On the Mission to Save Phosphorus Reserves and Clean Water iGEM, CommunitySC EUSynBioS28 June 2017iGEM, iGEM 2017, competitionComment
Five easy* steps for a perfect conference experience Community, Events, Guest ArticleSC EUSynBioS15 June 2017conference, networking, professional development, early career scientist, science communicationComment