The CRISPR gene-edited babies: a technological breakthrough or a brave new future? Policy, NewsSC EUSynBioS28 November 2018Gene Editing, Ethics, CRISPRComment
Geoengineering and synthetic biology Policy, OpinionDevang Mehta15 August 2017geoengineering, release, debate, de-extinctionComment
UN CBD COP13: Outcomes relevant to Synthetic Biology Events, PolicyChristian R. Boehm21 December 2016CBD, policyComment
We are an Observer to UN CBD COP13/CP-MOP8/NP-MOP2 Events, PolicyChristian R. Boehm1 December 2016announcement, CBD, policy Comment
Scientific opinions needed for CBD documents on synthetic biology PolicyJosephine Buerger29 June 2015cbd, biodiversity, conservation Comments
UK parliamentary office weighs in on synbio regulation PolicyOscar Sanderson22 June 2015regulation, uk, policy, biosensors, releaseComment