Synthetic biology in the post-corona era Community, Opinion, VisioningSC EUSynBioS11 May 2020Coronavirus, homeoffice, futureComment
Geoengineering and synthetic biology Policy, OpinionDevang Mehta15 August 2017geoengineering, release, debate, de-extinctionComment
SynBio Breakout Sessions: what do they tell about our community? Events, Opinion, VisioningChristian R. Boehm4 May 2016EUSynBioS Symposium, Breakout Sessions, Future VisionComment
How can Synbio innovation become more responsible? OpinionKonstantinos Vavitsas12 October 2015Comment
Evolution is cleverer than you are: Is Synthetic biology a flawed concept? OpinionDr. Steven J. Burgess12 October 2015Comment