Synthetic biology and de-extinction through the eyes of a science journalist InterviewKonstantinos Vavitsas26 April 2017science communication, synthetic biology, de-extinctionComment
1st European Congress on Cell-Free Synthetic Biology Events, CommunityDaniela Garcia24 April 2017synthetic biology, cell-free, minimal cell, Monte Verità, TX-TL Comment
EUSynBioS Social at Synthetic Biology UK 2017 Events, UpdateSC EUSynBioS20 April 2017synthetic biology, conference, SynBio UK 2017, Manchester, meetingComment
Building a genome from scratch: an interview with Dr. Leslie Mitchell InterviewKonstantinos Vavitsas4 April 2017synthetic genome, synthetic biology, S. cerevisiae, genome synthesis, hgp-writeComment
Extreme makeover yeast edition: de novo synthesis of five chromosomes ResearchKonstantinos Vavitsas20 March 2017Gene Editing, genome synthesis, synthetic biology, synthetic genome, S. cerevisiaeComment
A DIY blue-light transilluminator CommunitySC EUSynBioS16 March 2017DIY, DNA, molecular biology Comments