This month, EUSynBioS introduced a new seminar series with a focus on entrepreneurship, ventures creations and technology transfer. With these seminars we aim to gain insights into how to transform our research and ideas into a business.
An introduction article was recently published on the EUSynBioS Blog to bring forward some of the concepts that will be covered in the different panels and conversations during this series.
Our 2nd Entrepreneurship seminar, on Wednesday, February 24th, 18.00 CET, will be a conversation on Technology Transfer and Academia Spin-outs with Prof. Hagan Bayley (co-founder of Oxford Nanopores Technologies) and Marc Chevalier (Start-ups Manager at Pasteur Institute).
This event aims at giving you an intro on how to get your research out of the lab into a startup, and to glimpse into the experience of the guests into the challenges and potential of creating a startup from your work.
The registration for this event is open and you can participate by filling out the form here.