Words, images, and gender perspectives as gauges of public perception of Synthetic Biology Visioning, Guest ArticleSC EUSynBioS16 August 2019synbio, public perception, scicommComment
3 Questions for Dr. Yolanda Schaerli 3 Questions, InterviewSC EUSynBioS13 August 2019Lausanne, synbio, evolution, gene regulatory networks, SwitzerlandComment
Announcement: EUSynBioS is a media partner of SynBio Markets 2019! Events, NewsSC EUSynBioS30 July 2019SynBio Markets 2019, synbioComment
First Meet Up of the Greek iGEM teams Events, iGEM, CommunitySC EUSynBioS25 July 2019iGEM 2019, iGEM, Thessaly, Greece, synbioComment
Young PIs in action: Interview with Stephen Wallace Interview, Young PIs in actionSC EUSynBioS23 July 2019biocatalysis, Edinburgh, synbioComment
Keynote speaker confirmed: Jakob Schweizer SC EUSynBioS12 July 2019EUSynBioS19, EUSynBioS SymposiumComment
Playing Lego with Terpene Biosynthesis ResearchSC EUSynBioS11 July 2019terpenoids, synbio, natural productsComment